Remember to take pho...
Press Release: 15/02/2023 THE Government has introduced new rules which mean all voters must now show an accepted photographic identificatio...
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Eu delicata rationibus usu. Vix te putant utroque, ludus fabellas duo eu, his dico ut debet consectetuer.
Calling all community members with a passion for baking, cooking, or crafting! We invite you to join our efforts in making a real impact by contributing your talents to our upcoming coffee morning in support of Macmillan. Your delectable treats and c...
It’s Wednesday, and we’re half way through the week! Walking Rugby is on at the club this evening 6:30 – 7:30, why not dust off those boots and come on down! #rugby #tameside #walkingrugby #audenshaw #rufc #aldwinians
Calling all Girls… Aldwinians Ladies & Girls Rugby Union Football Club a ‘try’ No experience is required! #aldwinians #rugby #audenshaw #GreaterManchester #tameside #thisgirlcan #clinique #GameFace #rugbygirls
Calling all parents! Looking for something for you and your child to do? Make new friends? A brand new challenge? Why not give Aldwinians a ‘try’ Starting 15th July! We look forward to seeing you all! #aldwinians #rugby #audenshaw #GreaterManchester #tameside
Calling all kids… Looking for something to do? Want to increase your fitness? Make new friends? A brand new challenge? Why not give Aldwinians a ‘try’ No experience is required! #aldwinians #rugby #audenshaw #GreaterManchester #tameside #thisgirlcan #rugbygirls
Calling all ladies… give Aldwinians Ladies & Girls Rugby Union Football Club a ‘try’ No experience is required! #aldwinians #rugby #audenshaw #GreaterManchester #tameside #thisgirlcan #womensports #clinique #gameface
Eu delicata rationibus usu. Vix te putant utroque, ludus fabellas duo eu, his dico ut debet consectetuer.
Press Release: 15/02/2023 THE Government has introduced new rules which mean all voters must now show an accepted photographic identificatio...
Press Release: 10/02/2023 THE fantastic Tameside in Work support service which helps local residents in Tameside progress to better employme...
Press Release: 16/02/2023 BOOKS have been gifted to schools and nurseries as part of a project that’s boosting reading and writing skills fr...